3.3 Install OpenMFT as a standalone server

3.3.1 OpenMFT can be run standalone with its own SFTP server

OpenMFT relies on the following components:

  • PostgreSQL DB as mentioned in the pre-requisites section

  • OpenMFT can be installed in the same server as postgres for development or testing purposes, but can also be configured as a cluster where each component could be split.

# These are all the options for install, one can pick and choose which 
# components to install, but dbschema & vault are one time tasks for the 
# entire cluster if a multi-node cluster is being provisioned with 
# svc, certs & ui separately on each node.
./om -install dbschema,vault,certs,svc,ui

3.3.2 Install demo use cases

Demo use cases(scenarios) could be installed to visualize the platform and experience it first hand with an automated flow. There are 4 industry use cases created for the following domains:

# From your base path, run the below commands to install one or all of the use cases
om -installdemo banking
om -installdemo healthcare
om -installdemo retail
om -installdemo logistics

3.3.3 Run demos

You could run the demos by using this syntax with one or all of the user cases based on your industry. If your industry is not listed here, please do let us know so we can try to create the use case:

# From your base path, run the below command to run the banking demo
om -rundemo banking
# From your base path, run the below command to run the healthcare demo
om -rundemo healthcare
# From your base path, run the below command to run the retail demo
om -rundemo retail
# From your base path, run the below command to run the logistics demo
om -rundemo logistics

3.3.4 Visualize the data flow on OpenMFT UI

You could login to https://<hostname>:45443 with the default user "admin" and the default password "password".

Once logged in, you could go to Message Activity under Track n Trace menu on the left to see the messages coming in and processed.

You could also see the list of messages in the Delivery queue under Track n Trace menu that are waiting in the queue to be delivered.

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