7.0 Things to do if OpenMFT install fails

7.0.1 Ensure Vault is up and running

ps -ef|grep vault |grep openmft
# if the above command shows any vault service up, then try to unseal
om -unseal vault
# if the above command doesn't work, try
om -restart vault # This should stop and start vault again

7.0.2 Configure OpenMFT <-> SFG Integration

If OpenMFT install fails, we can run the below command that will setup the integration between OpenMFT and SFG.

This command is automatically triggered when OpenMFT is installed and doesn't need to be run unless OpenMFT installer fails because of Vault or other reasons.

./om -install sfg

Above "openmftdistro" command with the -deploy sfg and -mode install flags does the following tasks automatically:

  • Stop SFG

  • Install the following 3rd Party Jars:

    • openmft.jar

    • postgresql-42.2.12.jar

    • stringtree-json-2.0.5.jar

    • Install openmft Java service:

      • OpenmftService.jar

  • Start SFG

  • Import BPs

  • Import AMFService

  • (Optional) Import SFTP and CDSA adapters. One can disable these adapters, configure their own or re-use existing ones.

  • Import Schedule

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