3.2 Download & stage OpenMFT

3.2.1 Create a base path

In our example, we created /apps, but you can create any folder under your user account where you have at least 10 GB or more. Update .bash_profile with OPENMFT_BASE variable for basepath and add $OPENMFT_BASE/openmft/bin to PATH:

export OPENMFT_BASE=/apps
export PATH=$PATH:$OPENMFT_BASE/openmft/bin

Activate the bash_profile:

source ~/.bash_profile

3.2.2 Getting Super Powers starts with downloading amazing software

Becoming a super hero is a fairly straight forward process. Start by downloading below files into the base path. You can either click on these links:

If the software is downloaded using the links above to either a Windows or a Mac, the files could be transferred to the target Linux server using SFTP.

OR directly download them from command line using wget on Linux:

cd /apps/
wget https://s3.amazonaws.com/s3.openmft.org/om
wget https://s3.amazonaws.com/s3.openmft.org/openmft_schema.sql
wget https://s3.amazonaws.com/s3.openmft.org/openmft_template.conf

3.2.3 Copy openmft_template.conf to openmft.conf and update it

Copy openmft_template.conf file or rename it to openmft.conf:

cp openmft_template.conf openmft.conf

Below is an example of openmft.conf. Update the following properties per site settings:

  • basepath

  • Favicon, Logo and Copyright if you want to customize the branding

  • log file settings if logs need to go a specific folder

  • DATABASE section is meant for the OpenMFT Database. The information in the template is an example, please change it to your standards.

  • SSL_CERTIFICATE section is for you to either have the installer create a self-signed cert or for you to add existing certs.

  • SFTPD_SERVICE section is for you to define the hostname and port that you want to listen on for SFTP. This will be your SFTP server that will be launched along with the core OpenMFT services.

  • SFG section is where SFG_HOME (base) directory and other SFG related details are configured

  • VAULT section has VAULT_HOME that will be created when OpenMFT is installed and address in VAULT_ADDR may need to be changed to your host name if you want to login to the UI.

basepath=/apps # Example path, change to your base path

COPYRIGHT="© 2020 https://docs.openmft.org"


schema = "openmft_schema.sql"
DBTYPE = postgres
DBNAME = openmft
HOST = localhost
PORT = 5432
USERNAME = openmftuser
PASSWD = OpenMFT2020
SSLMODE = disable

hosts=,dev.openmft.org #If any, will be added SANs in the self-signed cert.  This is applicable only if create_self_signed is yes

[SFTPD_SERVICE] # This creates an sftp server that listens on host/port mentioned below in OpenMFT

USE_SFG=false # Change to true if you have SFG
SFG_HOME=/ibm/sfg # Example path, change this to your SFG Base path
SFG_API_BASE_URL = http://localhost:40074 # Change the host and port accordingly
SFG_API_USER = api_user # api_user needs to exist in SFG with APIUSER permissions
SFG_API_PASSWD = j6eiUroCMDe7CuqMozef # This is a sample password for the api_user
# Below are SFG objects that will be configured during install if set to yes
INSTALL_SFTP_ADAPTER = no # If it is a brand new SFG and you need SFTP adapter setup, set it to yes
INSTALL_CD_ADAPTER = no # If it is a brand new SFG and you need CDSA adapter setup, set it to yes
#Please change accordingly your environment

VAULT_HOME=/apps/openmft/vault  # Change apps to your basepath

3.2.4 Change permissions to execute for OpenMFT Distro (om):

chmod +x om

3.2.5 Bring your own certificates in pem format

# If you have your own certs, change the "SSL_CERTIFICATE" section in openmft.conf as show below:
hosts=,dev.openmft.org #If any, will be added SANs in the self-signed cert.  This is applicable only if create_self_signed is yes
cert_file=/apps/certs/server.crt # Sample location and file
key_file=/apps/certs/server.key #Sample location and file

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