2.6 User Communication Profiles

2.6.1 Setting up an outbound SFTP Communication

If a User is listening on an SFTP server and we need to push files to them, these steps would help configuring the outbound or MFT initiated communication profile:

  • Select Protocol from the dropdown list -> SFTP

  • Give a Profile Name

  • Type -> Select MFT Initiated radio button

  • Enter the values for the following fields:

    • Remote Host

    • Remote port (One could automatically retrieve the known host key of the remote host by clicking on the gear icon next to Remote Port. )

    • Remote User Id

    • Auth Type

      • If Auth Type is Key or Password and Key, then a link to the public key of the server is given next to the Auth Type so one could send it to the Customer.

    • Use Source File Name

    • Remote File Name if "User Source File Name" is not checked

    • Remote Path

    • Use temp filename if it is required to use a temporary suffix before the file transfer is complete

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