3.4 Integrate OpenMFT with IBM SFG (Sterling File Gateway)

3.4.1 OpenMFT can be natively integrated with IBM SFG.

These are the dependencies for OpenMFT to be installed and integrated with IBM SFG:

USE_SFG=true # This is part of the [SFG] section in openmft.conf and is required to install the necessary components and integrate with sfg

OpenMFT integrates with IBM Sterling B2B Integrator / Sterling File Gateway and enables the following functionality without having to write any BPs:

  • Easier on-boarding

  • Transactional processing

  • Persistent and Guaranteed delivery even if the end-points are down temporarily for a few hours or the entire weekend

  • Integration with AWS S3, GCP Storage, etc

OpenMFT can be installed in the same server as SFG for development or testing purposes, but can also be configured as a cluster where each component could be split.

# These are all the options for install, one can pick and choose which 
# components to install, but dbschema & vault are one time tasks for the 
# entire cluster if a multi-node cluster is being provisioned with 
# ui, certs svc & sfg separately.
./om -install [dbschema,vault,certs,svc,ui,sfg] All in one install (Single node install mode)

./om -install dbschema,vault,certs,svc,ui,sfg OpenMFT UI and SFG (Optional for 2nd node and higher)

This option is usually used when we are installing UI alongside SFG in the 2nd node onwards in a multi-node cluster. DATABASE Schema provisioning and VAULT are one time tasks and must be skipped from 2nd node onwards in a cluster, but the VAULT_TOKEN should be copied to openmft.conf from the 1st node or the vault node.

./om -install ui,certs,svc,sfg OpenMFT UI only (Optional for 2nd node and higher)

If UI is being installed in its own cluster of servers outside of SFG, then ui option could be used to install.

./om -install ui, certs SFG dependencies only (Optional for SFG 2nd node and higher)

./om -install svc,sfg

3.4.2 Install & Run Demo use cases

Please refer to the Install Demo documentation to install demo use cases by the industry.

3.4.4 Visualize the data flow

Please refer to the Visualize data flow documentation to see the data flowing through Sterling into AMF and vice-versa.

Last updated